MozDef for AWS

What is MozDef for AWS

Cloud based MozDef is an opinionated deployment of the MozDef services created in 2018 to help AWS users ingest CloudTrail, GuardDuty, and provide security services.



MozDef for AWS is new and we’d love your feedback. Try filing GitHub issues here in the repository or connect with us in the Mozilla Discourse Security Category.

You can also take a short survey on MozDef for AWS after you have deployed it.


MozDef requires the following:

  • A DNS name ( e.g. ) which you will need to point at the IP address of the Application Load Balancer
  • An OIDC Provider with ClientID, ClientSecret, and Discovery URL
    • Mozilla uses Auth0 but you can use any OIDC provider you like: Shibboleth, KeyCloak, AWS Cognito, Okta, Ping (etc.).
    • You will need to configure the redirect URI of /redirect_uri as allowed in your OIDC provider configuration.
  • An ACM Certificate in the deployment region for your DNS name
  • A VPC with three public subnets available
    • It is advised that this VPC be dedicated to MozDef or used solely for security automation.
    • The three public subnets must all be in different availability zones and have a large enough number of IP addresses to accommodate the infrastructure.
    • The VPC must have an internet gateway enabled on it so that MozDef can reach the internet.
  • An SQS queue receiving GuardDuty events - At the time of writing this is not required but may be required in future.

Supported Regions

MozDef for AWS is currently only supported in us-west-2 but additional regions will be added over time.



Deployment Process

  1. Launch the one click stack and provide the requisite values.
  2. Wait for the stack to complete. You’ll see several nested stacks in the CloudFormation console. Once the EC2 instance is running there are still provisioning steps taking place on the instance. Note: This may take a while
  3. Configure your DNS name to point to the application load balancer
  4. Navigate to the URL you set up for MozDef. It should redirect you to the single sign on provider. If successful you’ll see the MozDef UI.
  5. Try navigating to ElasticSearch https://your_base_url:9090

You should see the following:

  "name" : "SMf4400",
  "cluster_name" : "656532927350:mozdef-mozdef-yemjpbnpw8xb",
  "cluster_uuid" : "_yBEIsFkQH-nEZfrFgj7mg",
  "version" : {
    "number" : "5.6.8",
    "build_hash" : "688ecce",
    "build_date" : "2018-09-11T14:44:40.463Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "6.6.1"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"
  1. Test out Kibana at https://your_base_url:9090/_plugin/kibana/app/kibana#/discover?_g=()


To view logs on the ec2 instance

  1. Determine the name/IP of the autoscaled EC2 instance via the command line or web console

  2. SSH into that EC2 instance as the ec2-user user using the SSH keypair that you set as the KeyName parameter in CloudFormation

  3. List out all the containers with

    sudo docker container ls
  4. Tail logs from the container you’d like to examine with

    # show both the access logs and the error logs
    sudo docker logs --follow NAME_OF_CONTAINER
    # show only the error logs
    docker logs --follow NAME_OF_CONTAINER >/dev/null

    where NAME_OF_CONTAINER is the container name or ID that you found in the step above

  5. To enter the environment for that container run

    sudo docker exec --interactive --tty NAME_OF_CONTAINER /bin/bash
  6. To view the environment variables being made available to the containers view the file /opt/mozdef/docker/compose/cloudy_mozdef.env

Using MozDef

Refer back to our other docs on how to use MozDef for general guidance. Cloud specific instructions will evolve here. If you saw something about MozDef for AWS at re: Invent 2018 and you want to contribute we’d love your PRs.

AWS re:invent 2018 SEC403 Presentation