
The installation process has been tested on CentOS 7.

Build and run MozDef

You can quickly install MozDef with an automated build generation using docker:

make build
make run

You’re done! Now go to:


The build system has changed make targets for multiple-* and single-* have been replaced by the above commands (make run, etc.) Just type make to get a list of available targets.

Manual Installation for Yum or Apt based distros


This section explains the manual installation process for the MozDef system

Create a mozdef user.

On Yum-based systems:

adduser mozdef -d /opt/mozdef
mkdir /opt/mozdef/envs
chown -R mozdef:mozdef /opt/mozdef

On APT-based systems:

useradd -m -d /opt/mozdef -s /bin/bash mozdef
mkdir /opt/mozdef/envs
chown -R mozdef:mozdef /opt/mozdef

Clone repository.

On Yum-based systems:

yum install -y git
su mozdef
git clone /opt/mozdef/envs/mozdef

On APT-based systems:

apt-get install -y git
su mozdef
git clone /opt/mozdef/envs/mozdef

Web and Workers nodes

This section explains the manual installation process for Web and Workers nodes.


We need to install a python3.6 virtualenv.

On Yum-based systems:

yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y python36 python36-devel python3-pip libcurl-devel gcc
pip3 install virtualenv
su mozdef
cd /opt/mozdef/envs
virtualenv -p /bin/python3 /opt/mozdef/envs/python

On APT-based systems:

apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev
apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install virtualenv
su mozdef
cd /opt/mozdef/envs
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /opt/mozdef/envs/python


source /opt/mozdef/envs/python/bin/activate
cd /opt/mozdef/envs/mozdef
PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=nss pip install -r requirements.txt

If you’re using Mac OS X:

export PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=openssl
export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib;export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include
pip install -r requirements.txt

Copy the following into a file called .bash_profile for the mozdef user within /opt/mozdef:

[mozdef@server ~]$ vim /opt/mozdef/.bash_profile

# Add the following to the file before "export PATH":


export PATH

At this point when you launch python from within your virtual environment, It should tell you that you’re using Python 3.6.9.


RabbitMQ is used on workers to have queues of events waiting to be inserted into the Elasticsearch cluster (storage).

RabbitMQ does provide a zero-dependency RPM that you can find for RedHat/CentOS here::

For Debian/Ubuntu based distros you would need to install erlang separately.

To install it, first make sure you enabled EPEL repos. Then you need to install an Erlang environment.

If you prefer to install all the dependencies on a Red Hat based system you can do the following:: On Yum-based systems:

sudo yum install erlang

You can then install the rabbitmq server:

sudo rpm --import
sudo yum install rabbitmq-server

To start rabbitmq at startup:

systemctl enable rabbitmq-server

On APT-based systems

sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
sudo invoke-rc.d rabbitmq-server start

We do advise using rabbitmq and erlang’s latest versions if you plan on using TLS protected connections with Rabbitmq. A simple way of doing this would be to use Bintray’s repo located at: to download both the latest versions of rabbitmq and erlang.


Meteor is a javascript framework used for the realtime aspect of the web interface.

We first need to install Mongodb since it’s the DB used by Meteor.

On Yum-based systems:

In /etc/yum.repos.d/mongo.repo, add:

name=MongoDB Repository

Then you can install mongodb:

sudo yum install mongodb-org

On APT-based systems:

sudo apt-get install mongodb-server

We have a mongod.conf in the config directory prepared for you. To use it simply move it in to /etc:

cp /opt/mozdef/config/mongod.conf /etc/

For meteor installation follow these steps:

sudo -i -u mozdef -g mozdef
curl | sh

For node you can exit from the mozdef user:

tar xvzf node-v8.12.0.tar.gz
cd node-v8.12.0
sudo make install

Then from the meteor subdirectory of this git repository (/opt/mozdef/meteor) run as the mozdef user with venv activated:

sudo -i -u mozdef -g mozdef
source envs/python/bin/activate
meteor add iron-router

If you wish to use meteor as the authentication handler you’ll also need to install the Accounts-Password pkg:

meteor add accounts-password

You may want to edit the /meteor/imports/settings.js file to properly configure the URLs and Authentication The default setting will use Meteor Accounts, but you can just as easily install an external provider like Github, Google, Facebook or your own OIDC:

mozdef = {
  authenticationType: "meteor-password",

or for an OIDC implementation that passes a header to the nginx reverse proxy (for example using OpenResty with Lua and Auth0):

mozdef = {
  authenticationType: "OIDC",

Then start meteor with:



Alternatively you can run the meteor UI in ‘deployment’ mode using a native node installation.

First install node:

yum install bzip2 gcc gcc-c++ sqlite sqlite-devel
tar xvzf node-v8.12.0.tar.gz
cd node-v8.12.0
sudo make install

Then bundle the meteor portion of mozdef to deploy on another server:

cd <your meteor mozdef directory>
meteor bundle mozdef.tgz

You can then deploy the meteor UI for mozdef as necessary:

scp mozdef.tgz to your target host
tar -xvzf mozdef.tgz

This will create a ‘bundle’ directory with the entire UI code below that directory.

If you didn’t update the settings.js before bundling the meteor installation, you will need to update the settings.js file to match your servername/port:

vim bundle/programs/server/app/imports/settings.js

If your development OS is different than your production OS you will also need to update the fibers node module:

cd bundle/programs/server/node_modules
rm -rf fibers
sudo npm install fibers@1.0.1

Or you can bundle the meteor portion of mozdef to deploy on into a different directory. In this example we place it in /opt/mozdef/envs/meteor/mozdef:


if [ -d /opt/mozdef/meteor ]
    cd /opt/mozdef/meteor
    source /opt/mozdef/envs/python/bin/activate
    mkdir -p /opt/mozdef/envs/meteor/mozdef

    meteor npm install
    meteor build --server localhost:3002 --directory /opt/mozdef/envs/meteor/mozdef/
    cp -r node_modules /opt/mozdef/envs/meteor/mozdef/node_modules
  echo "Meteor does not exist on this host."
  exit 0

There are systemd unit files available in the systemd directory of the public repo you can use to start mongo, meteor (mozdefweb), and the restapi (mozdefrestapi). These systemd files are pointing to the bundled alternative directory we just mentioned.

If you aren’t using systemd, or didn’t bundle to the alternative directory, then run the mozdef UI via node manually:

export MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongoservername:3002/meteor
export ROOT_URL=http://meteorUIservername/
export PORT=443
node bundle/main.js


We use nginx webserver.

You need to install nginx:

sudo yum install nginx

On apt-get based system:

sudo apt-get nginx

If you don’t have this package in your repos, before installing create /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo with the following content:

name=nginx repo


We use uwsgi to interface python and nginx, in your venv execute the following:

tar zxvf uwsgi-
cd uwsgi-
~/python3.6/bin/python --build
~/python3.6/bin/python  --plugin plugins/python core
cp ~/envs/python/bin/
cp uwsgi ~/envs/python/bin/

cd ..
cp -r ~/mozdef/rest   ~/envs/mozdef/
cp -r ~/mozdef/loginput   ~/envs/mozdef/

cd ~/envs/mozdef/rest
# modify config file
vim index.conf
# modify restapi.ini with any changes to pathing or number of processes you might need for your use case.
vim restapi.ini

cd ../loginput
# modify loginput.ini with any changes to pathing or number of processes you might need for your use case.
vim loginput.ini

Alternatively, if you do not wish to use the systemd unit files for starting these processes you can start the restapi and loginput processes from within your venv via:

cd /opt/mozdef/envs/python
source bin/activate
(mozdef) [mozdef@mozdev mozdef]$ uwsgi --ini rest/restapi.ini
(mozdef) [mozdef@mozdev mozdef]$ uwsgi --ini loginput/loginput.ini

sudo cp nginx.conf /etc/nginx
# modify /etc/nginx/nginx.conf to reflect your server, and any path changes you've made.
sudo vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
# move uwsgi_params file into venv.
cp /etc/nginx/uwsgi_params /opt/mozdef/envs/python/bin/
sudo service nginx restart


We use supervisord to run the alerts and alertactions. If you plan on starting services manually, you can skip this step.

To install supervisord perform the following as the user mozdef:

cd /opt/mozdef/envs/python
source bin/activate
cd bin
pip install supervisor

Within the alerts directory there is a supervisord_alerts.ini which is preconfigured. If you’ve changed any directory paths for this installation then modify it to reflect your pathing changes. There are systemd files in the systemdfiles directory that you can use to start the mozdefalerts and mozdefalertactions processes which we cover near the end of this tutorial.


This section explains the manual installation process for Elasticsearch nodes (search and storage). MozDef supports Elasticsearch version 5.x

Installation instructions are available on Elasticsearch website. You should prefer packages over archives if one is available for your distribution.

Add the repo in /etc/yum/repos.d/elasticsearch.repo:

name=Elasticsearch repository for 5.x packages

sudo yum install elasticsearch

Marvel plugin

Marvel is a monitoring plugin developed by Elasticsearch (the company).

WARNING: this plugin is NOT open source. At the time of writing, Marvel is free for 30 days. After which you can apply for a free basic license to continue using it for it’s key monitoring features.

To install Marvel, on each of your elasticsearch node, from the Elasticsearch home directory:

sudo bin/plugin install license
sudo bin/plugin install marvel-agent
sudo service elasticsearch restart

You should now be able to access to Marvel at http://any-server-in-cluster:9200/_plugin/marvel


Kibana is a webapp to visualize and search your Elasticsearch cluster data

Create the Repo in /etc/yum/repos.d/kibana.repo:

name=Kibana repository for 5.x packages
sudo yum install kibana

Now you’ll need to configure kibana to work with your system: You can set the various settings in /etc/kibana/kibana.yml. Some of the settings you’ll want to configure are:

  • (your server’s hostname)
  • elasticsearch.url (the url to your elasticsearch instance and port)
  • logging.dest ( /path/to/kibana.log so you can easily troubleshoot any issues)

Then you can start the service!

service kibana start

Start Services

To use the included systemd files you’ll copy them to your system’s default directory of /etc/systemd/system/. Ensure it has root file permissions so that systemd can start it:

cp /opt/mozdef/systemdfiles/web/mozdefweb.service /etc/systemd/system/
cp /opt/mozdef/systemdfiles/web/mozdefrestapi.service /etc/systemd/system/
cp /opt/mozdef/systemdfiles/web/mongod.service /etc/systemd/system/
cp /opt/mozdef/systemdfiles/consumer/mozdefloginput.service /etc/systemd/system/
cp /opt/mozdef/systemdfiles/consumer/mworker-eventtask.service /etc/systemd/system/
cp /opt/mozdef/systemdfiles/alert/mozdefalerts.service /etc/systemd/system/
cp /opt/mozdef/systemdfiles/alert/mozdefbot.service /etc/systemd/system/
cp /opt/mozdef/systemdfiles/alert/mozdefalertactions.service /etc/systemd/system/

Then you will need to enable them:

systemctl enable mozdefweb.service
systemctl enable mozdefrestapi.service
systemctl enable mozdefloginput.service
systemctl enable mworker-eventtask.service
systemctl enable mozdefalerts.service
systemctl enable mozdefbot.service
systemctl enable mozdefalertactions.service
systemctl enable mongod.service

Reload systemd:

systemctl daemon-reload

Now you can start your services:

systemctl start mongod
systemctl start mozdefalerts
systemctl start mozdefbot
systemctl start mozdefloginput
systemctl start mozdefrestapi
systemctl start mozdefweb
systemctl start mworker-eventtask
systemctl start mozdefalertactions

Alternatively you can start the following services manually in this way from inside the venv as mozdef:

# Eventtask worker
cd ~/MozDef/mq
(mozdef) [mozdef@mozdev mq]$ uwsgi --ini eventtask.ini

# alert worker
(mozdef) [mozdef@mozdev mozdef]$ cd ~/mozdef/alerts
(mozdef) [mozdef@mozdev alerts]$ celery -A lib.tasks worker --loglevel=info --beat

To initialize elasticsearch indices and create sample kibana dashboards:

(mozdef) [mozdef@mozdev mozdef]$ cd ~/mozdef/scripts/setup
(mozdef) [mozdef@mozdev setup$ python http://<elasticsearch_host>:9200 http://<kibana_host>:5601

To add some sample data:

(mozdef) [mozdef@mozdev mozdef]$ cd ~/mozdef/scripts/demo
(mozdef) [mozdef@mozdev demo]$ python --num-rounds=1

To continously add sample data:

(mozdef) [mozdef@mozdev mozdef]$ cd ~/mozdef/scripts/demo
(mozdef) [mozdef@mozdev demo]$ python